CM House
  • LocationPonta Delgada, São Miguel
  • Area210.00 m²
  • TypeHousing
  • Date2021
  • ClientIndividual
  • ArchitectureUAID Arquitetos
  • CollaboratorsNeuza Duarte
  • Engineering VCF Unip. Lda

The project for the CM House started with the total demolition of the existing house. However, the development is conditioned by the height and alignment of the adjacent buildings and by the harmony in the overall image of the street facades. Therefore, we propose a house that combines traditional volumetry with a contemporary aesthetic through the materials and colors selected.

It is a narrow, but quite deep lot that culminates in a garden with a raised area overlooking the sea. Thus, on the ground floor, the house was developed from a central hallway that gives access to the garage and stairs and, on the other, to the bedroom/office, the bathroom and to the pantry. This hallway ends in a large living and dining room, with an open pace kitchen and an outdoor connection that is organized in two platforms. The first, at the same level as the interior, works as an extension of the room with an outdoor living area and an outdoor support pantry. The second, higher, includes a garden area and a lounge overlooking the sea.

On the upper floor, facing the street, there are two bedrooms and a bathroom, and on the opposite side, with a balcony overlooking the garden, there is also a suite.